How will Taxation Today help my business?

With Tax Code and Regulations now 7 ½ times longer than the Bible, tax is a confusing area.  Business owners frequently live ‘in the dark’ on issues surrounding taxation and asset protection.  Through the use of ‘layman’s terms,’ Taxation Today serves as an introductory course to Tax, highlighting the tax concepts most relevant to a business owner.  Business owners will, then, be empowered to know which of their everyday business decisions impact their tax liability and, therefore, cash flow within their business.

What materials should I bring to the Taxation Today Workshop?

A favorite pen and notebook.

How is this different than meeting with my CPA or tax preparer?

Your CPA or tax preparer is competent in the area of tax compliance.  His/her role is to report your financials to the IRS on a government financial document (a.k.a. a tax return).  Although, CPAs report in the best way possible, they are reporting after you have conducted your business.  In other words, they act like historians for your business.  Their job is to file and to explain your tax return to you.

Your livelihood, however, encompasses far more than the filing of a proper tax return, buying equipment at the end of the year, or receiving a refund.  Your livelihood also depends upon how well you protect what you have built—both your business and your personal wealth.  Business owners must also be concerned about protecting and providing for their employees and loved ones after their own retirement or death.  All of these considerations are interrelated and extend well beyond the scope of filing a tax return.

Who should I bring to the workshop?

You are welcome to bring who you want from your business.  The workshop content, however, is geared toward NON-tax professionals.  The approach of the workshop is to introduce and train business owners on what decisions impact their tax, livelihood, and legacy in ‘layman’s terms.’  A ‘tax translator’ is not required!

To see benefit, would I have to bring my tax preparer?

Not at all.  Taxation Today assumes that you have a competent tax preparer/CPA.

Who will visit my business after the workshop?

After the completion of the workshop, a knowledgeable professional will be matched to your business using your Client Profile that was created by your presenter during the Taxation Today Workshop.  This professional, an employee of our parent company, will work in conjunction with other experts from his/her team to prepare a presentation for you outlining the strengths, weaknesses, and potential room for improvement within your business.  Our parent company is the leader consulting firm for closely-held businesses.

Will my personal information be confidential?

Absolutely.  We operate under a non-disclosure confidentiality agreement.  Additionally, we do not share your information with anyone outside of our company.

Are you a consulting company?

Taxation Today is not, itself, a consulting company.  We are the educational branch of the largest consulting firm for closely-held businesses.  While a related company’s personnel performs our analysis, the Taxation Today Workshop and the subsequent analysis does not require a consulting engagement.